i work on some class to show « line » in away3d 4
this is « line » with always the same tickness on the screen
the final purpose is to generate wireframe , grid, helper and of course cool shit
*update* i add a grid on the floor and axis helper
you need flash player 11 to see this demo
Code source:
package { import away3d.arcane; import away3d.cameras.lenses.PerspectiveLens; import away3d.containers.View3D; import away3d.debug.AwayStats; import away3d.entities.SegmentSet; import away3d.primitives.WireframeAxesGrid; import away3d.primitives.LineSegment; import away3d.materials.ColorMaterial; import flash.display.Sprite; import flash.display.StageAlign; import flash.display.StageScaleMode; import flash.events.Event; import flash.geom.Vector3D; use namespace arcane; [SWF(width="700", height="700", frameRate="60")] public class MainLine extends Sprite { private var _count : Number = 0; private var view: View3D; private var grid : WireframeAxesGrid; private var lines : SegmentSet; private var distance : Number; private var lastVector : Vector3D; private var lastColor : Number; private var nextVector : Vector3D; private var newColor : Number; private var tempColor : Number; public function MainLine() { stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE; stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT; setupView3D(); lines=new SegmentSet(); view.scene.addChild(lines); grid=new WireframeAxesGrid(10,500,.25,0x666666,0x666666,0x666666); view.scene.addChild(grid); lastVector=new Vector3D(Math.sin(_count) *distance,Math.sin(_count * .54) * distance,Math.cos(_count) *distance); lastColor=0; } private function setupView3D() : void { view = new View3D(); view.width=1000; view.height=700; view.antiAlias = 2; view.backgroundColor = 0x333333; view.camera.z = -1500; view.camera.y = 1000; view.camera.x = -1500; view.camera.lookAt(new Vector3D(0, 150, 0)); view.camera.lens.near=.02; view.camera.lens.far=500000; (view.camera.lens as PerspectiveLens).fieldOfView=45; addChild(view); /*addChild(new AwayStats(view)); var sign:SignAway=new SignAway();sign.y=700-280; addChild(sign);*/ addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, _handleEnterFrame); } private function _handleEnterFrame(ev : Event) : void { _count += .1; if(_count<350){ distance=500*Math.sin(_count/10)-250; tempColor=(Math.abs(distance)/250)/3*0xFF; nextVector=new Vector3D(Math.sin(_count)*distance,Math.sin(_count*.48 ) * distance,Math.cos(_count) *distance); newColor= tempColor << 16 | tempColor*.7 << 8 | 0; lines.addSegment(new LineSegment(lastVector, nextVector,lastColor,newColor,2+tempColor/100)); lastVector=nextVector; lastColor=newColor; } view.camera.x = Math.sin(_count*.05) * 2000; view.camera.y = 900; view.camera.z = Math.cos(_count*.05 ) * 2000; view.camera.lookAt(new Vector3D(0, 0, 0)); view.render(); } } }